Blogmas Day Twenty – Great Ways to Give Back this Christmas

Christmas is almost here.

I mean it is actually almost here, and I can barely contain my excitement!! Everywhere I walk I can get a deep breath in of cinnamon or peppermint, stores and houses are decked out in their lights and decorations, and it just feels so so merry everywhere. 

However, one thing that I think is always important to remember amid all the joy and celebrations is that it is always important to show our gratitude by giving something back. After all, this has been a more challenging year than most so even if it’s in the smallest way possible, like donating £5 to a Hedgehog conservation society, giving back in whatever way you can make such a big difference and can make someone’s festive season. So that’s why today, I’m going to be sharing a few ways to give back this Christmas, that also happen to be covid friendly! 

Shoebox gifts for children 

Shoebox gift drives are a fantastic charity initiative to get involved with, and they are so easy to do. I know that around the world the different drives vary but essentially the idea is you fill a shoebox with small gifts for a disadvantaged child. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive things – they can be as simple as a small stuffed animal, maybe a book and some colouring pencils but it will be a beautiful gift for a child that might not get any gift at all. It’s such a sweet and easy way to give back, and it’s an opportunity to make a child’s Christmas special. 

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Send a holiday card

There’s nothing that brings a smile to someone’s face more than opening a holiday card. Well, at least that’s what I think because cards are amazing! This year has been tough on everyone, particularly essential workers so while you’re writing holiday cards for friends and family, why not write an extra one or two for an essential worker. Maybe a teacher or your doctor, or a card for the local police or fire station. It may not be much, but showing how much you appreciate them, especially after such a challenging year, is definitely going to make their day. 

Photo by KoolShooters on

Christmas cookie gift box 

I don’t know about you, but I usually spend half of my Christmas baking, and this usually includes easily over a hundred various Christmas cookies. Maybe your Christmas also consists of an obscene number of cookies being made in your house too? Well, if that’s the case, even if it’s not in batches of a hundred, why not make a few extra or save a few from each batch and put them together into a Christmas cookie gift box. You can then give your packages to whoever you want – essential workers, drop them off at your local police station or for a teacher, an old age home, a neighbour or anyone who you think could use a little extra holiday cheer. Everyone can use a little extra sweetness during the holiday season, especially this year, so giving someone a box of Christmas cookies is guaranteed to be appreciated. 

Photo by Jill Wellington on

Choose a cause to support 

There are dozens of amazing causes to support worldwide and throughout the year for so many different things. No matter what you’re passionate about, I can guarantee that you’ll find a worthwhile cause that links up to it. If you don’t have the time to volunteer this year (or can’t because of COVID-19), or if donating gifts or clothes isn’t possible this year, then how about contributing to a worthy cause? It doesn’t have to be lots of money either, because every little bit makes a huge contribution to making a difference, so if this seems like a good option for you then really all you need to do is choose what cause you want to support. 

Make environmentally friendly choices. 

One way to give back this Christmas that you may not have thought of is giving back to the planet. Okay fair, I know that sounds a bit weird, but we put a lot of pressure on the earth that maybe doing something environmentally friendly is the exact thing we need to do this year. So, for Christmas this year, why not make some environmentally friendly choices? All of us should try and be more eco-friendly, plus it’s a great way to help us save the planet from this climate crisis that we may not be able to run away from if we don’t make a change now. If you’re looking for ideas for how to be more eco-friendly this Christmas, you can check out these two blog posts of mine! 

Sustainable gift-giving guide

Christmas sustainability – Guest post by Elena

Photo from

Donate some things you’ve outgrown 

A classic that never goes out of style is donating some things that may not have a place anymore in your life. Sometimes we end up having things in our house (clothes, toys, whatever) that we don’t use anymore and the truth is that someone else out there could be getting a lot more use out of it. It’s a great way to give back because not only is it a way to clear out the clutter in your house, but it’s also a great way to make someone else’s Christmas because those clothes or that little toy or book can be the most fantastic thing to happen to them all year. So, if you’re looking for an excuse to do a spring clean of your cupboards, why not do it for this reason? 

Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern on

And so there you have it! I’ve always believed that one of the best things that we can do is give back, be kind and try to help others in any way we can, especially at this time of year. At a time that is so full of merry festivities, it’s important to remember that things may not be so jolly for some people and a great way to show how grateful we are for all the fantastic things in our lives (no matter how small) is to give back in whatever small ways we can. I hope that you all enjoyed this blog post, and even if you don’t use any of these ideas, I hope that this post has inspired you in some way. I also hope that you all enjoyed this post and thank you all so much for the continual Blogmas support. I hope you’re all enjoying the final gear up to Christmas, but that’s all from me so I will leave you all to get back to your hot chocolate and carolling! 

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx 

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

19 thoughts

  1. In Canada, people are encouraged to donate food or money for food for low income people. There’s definitely a greater sense of giving back to your community in my city. It actually made the list of top 5 most generous cities in Canada!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a great post! This year I’m sending out a bunch of Christmas cards (late though because I guess I’m just lazy this month), and my mom and I made a bunch of cookies so I dropped some off at a friend’s house. I’m also going through my things to declutter and donate so I’m hoping some of it will find their ways to new homes. On the topic of sustainability, I’ve been wrapping my presents in scarves I picked up from Goodwill and reusing Amazon boxes. I’ve also been investing in low waste items this month like those veggie loofah sponges for the dishes and cleaning and in better laundry items.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you!! Woww that’s so amazing I absolutely love that – you and your mom are so kind!!! Oh nice that’s so amazing I’m also going to try swap to some low waste options next year!! Your actions are so inspiring – Merry Christmas!! 🎄✨☺️


  3. Every week, I do volunteer at Loaves and Fishes, which is a food pantry. This year, I actually made some cards for the families that come through. At church, we have to be outside- packing boxes is what has been the normal for a while- now going to add a Christmas card

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