Summer Blog Showcase: Entry #3

Helloooo all my lovely readers!

Today I’m continuing the Summer blog competition showcase because there are lots of great entries that have been sent in and I want to make sure we get through them all before the end of summer (or as close to the end of the summer as possible). This is showcase piece #3 and it is a blog post from Eva, Beyondtheblog all about indoor camping so for all those looking to tick that off their summer bucket list (you can check out mine here) but lockdown got in the way, this entry is for you! Now here is Eva’s entry – I hope you enjoy it!

Hello everyone!
Everyone loves to camp, especially in summers. But since we can’t go out because of the Lockdowns, we can camp at home!
Yesterday I went camping. Indoor camping to be exact.I built a tent at home and stayed  in it. It is so cool and pretty.
This is my tent, which I built. So I thought why not teach you guys to make one too.

These are the things you need to build one
2 large  bedsheets  
4 chairs
Lots of binder clips
A mattress
1 blanket ( for yourself)
2 small blankets
something  heavy
And yourself!

So first you take your chairs  and put 2 on each side of the mattress and remember to do this on the floor.


(Picture from wikiHow)
Then you  connect your bedsheets using the binder clips.Now take one  side of your bed sheets and put it on the chair and then put something  heavy to hold it.


(Picture from wikiHow)
Do the same for the other side but make sure you pull it tightly so it stands up on its own.
Now your tent is ready.
You can use the small blankets to cover the inside of your chairs by going inside the tent.

You are now done if you want it to feel more like a real tent then add some fake grass and some plants

Now put your blanket inside and enjoy. I had lots of fun  inside and I think you should try it too.
Comment down below  whether  you like my tent  and also whether  you will make one soon
Thanks for reading  my post

What did you all think of Eva’s amazing post?? I don’t know about you but I plan to try and make one of these as soon as possible so I can tick it off my summer bucket list. Is anyone else going to make one of these? If so let me know how it goes! Otherwise, that’s all I have for you today. Thanks so much for reading the third showcase piece for the Summer Competition – be sure to come back on Monday for the next one!

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

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