13 Things to do when you don’t want to do anything at all

Do you ever just feel like you don’t want to do anything? You want to do something, sure, but no matter what you think of, you come up with a reason why you don’t want to do it. It’s an awful cycle filled with zero motivation – I like to call it sloth mode. 

I’ve been feeling slothy this week, probably because I was more productive than usual last week. I’ve been lacking motivation, not quite in the mood to do anything, and I’ve been struggling to think of a blog post that I didn’t get tired of after one paragraph. So, after another long period of nothing particularly exciting, I decided ‘screw it’ and to just write about this. After all, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has days like this. While it’s sometimes nice to admit defeat and just do nothing, that awful feeling that you don’t want to do anything at all can be quite tiresome. 

For all those who struggle when your sloth mode gets activated, you don’t have to worry anymore about struggling to find something to do and arguing with yourself about whether or not you actually want to do it. Here are 13 things that can help you fix your sloth mode and do something even when you have zero motivation and don’t want to do anything at all. 

Question everything and anything 

Questioning your existence, and everything else in the world is quite a fun activity when you can’t think of anything else to do. Pick the first topic that comes into your head and just start questioning every little part of it. While you’re at it, you can always pace manically around your room. It helps fuel the bizarre mental inquisition you’re going through, and it counts as exercise. Well, I’m at least counting it as exercise. 

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Stare at the ceiling

Not just an activity for when you can’t fall asleep, staring at the ceiling is a great pass-time when nothing else feels interesting. True, it’s more entertaining when you have something to stare at, like a fun ceiling pattern or chandelier, but counting the shadows and cracks is fun too right? 

Eat (bonus points for health) 

Do the calories count if you eat them while you’re pacing? Food can be so comforting, which is why it’s an easy thing to turn to when you’re in sloth mode. Note though, sloth mode mixed with food is dangerous if you don’t have self-control as you might end up burying your lack of motivation under sugar and carbs (which, sadly, is never as good a thing as it sounds at first). That’s why you get bonus points for healthy foods. Chomping on carrot sticks will undoubtedly help you feel less sluggish than munching on a dozen doughnuts. 

Photo by Trang Doan on Pexels.com


What more is there to say? If you can’t think of anything worth doing while you’re awake, maybe sleep is the perfect solution. At least you won’t be struggling to think of things to do, and you may feel more refreshed and motivated when you wake up. 

Binge-watch tv or movies

Now that your eyes are rested from your nap, it’s a good time to binge-watch something. You still get to be relaxed and lazy, but at least you’re doing something and keeping your mind occupied. Pick your favourite series or movie, or hop onto google and see if any of those suggestions tickle your fancy. 

Ask what would make you happy right now

This is not a sarcastic point – for this, I’m dead serious. Is there anything at all that seems enticing? Something that just seems super interesting? If you can’t think of anything, then what is something that you usually enjoy doing or something that makes you happy? As soon as you think of something, launch into action and do it! If you’re absolutely stuck though, ask your family or friends, and they might suggest something great for you. 

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Look at your to-do list 

Sometimes looking at your to-do list can demotivate you because the thought of trying to get through all those tasks just seems too exhausting and overwhelming. Other times, you might just glance at it and find some renewed motivation to get one of them done. Or, even if you don’t feel inspired by it, at least after looking at it you can appreciate the lack of activity/completion and let it be because today is not a day for functioning like a human. 

Read a book 

Even when I’m not in the mood to do anything, forcing myself to read the first few pages of a book almost instantly cures me because I get sucked into the story. Soon I’m absorbed in the book. I’ll either stop after a few chapters because my motivation has been restored, or just carry on reading and that counts because at least I’m doing something. So, if you like reading and are stuck with something to do, force yourself to read a little bit of something. It may just be the cure you’ve been looking for. 

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Contemplate ‘adulting’ and what it feels like 

Honestly, I don’t believe anyone ever feels like an adult. We’re all just winging it right? None of us really have a plan (no matter how hard we plan) and are just going with the flow, seeing how life goes, RIGHT?! I did this quite a bit last year when I wasn’t working and was in between studying because technically, I was an unemployed adult. Ewww. Contemplating the grandness of what ‘adulting’ means and all the responsibility it entails may just shock you out of sloth mode. You never know until you try … 

Think about exercising 

People always say it’s the thought that counts, so now is the time to use that logic. If you’re feeling super keen, you could always change into your workout gear. That doesn’t mean you have to actually exercise (although that might do wonders for your sloth mode), but just thinking about exercising and then deciding not to is progress. 

Do something peaceful 

There are tons of peaceful activities that can suit your sloth mode and still help you out of it. For instance, one thing that helps me cure my sloth mode without using up too much energy is having a hot bubble bath. Why? Because it’s something peaceful, it’s not doing nothing, and it’s something that can pleasantly occupy your mind. Whatever you consider peaceful (a bath, lying in the grass, listening to music, painting your nails, meditation), try doing it for a few minutes. It may not be much, but it’s something, and that’s a heck of a lot better than nothing. 

Photo by Elly Fairytale on Pexels.com

Get dressed up 

Did you know that the way we dress plays a big part in our mental approach to the day? For instance, if you stay in your PJs, you’re subconsciously telling yourself that you’re staying in comfy/sleepy mode for the day whereas getting dressed into proper clothes tells your brain that you’re about to actually do things. So, maybe all you need is to get dressed up? You could even use it as an excuse to put on those fancy going-out clothes you haven’t been able to wear in all this lockdown time, and it might just spark your motivation. Try it out and see, or at the very least put on something more ‘proper’ than sweats. 

Give yourself permission to do nothing

I could say you should take a shower, or choose something else small to do, but when you can’t get yourself to do anything, sometimes you just need to honour that feeling and roll with it. When you really have absolutely no motivation to do anything, and you have the freedom to actually do that, one of the best ways to cure your sloth mode is to say ‘why not just enjoy it?’ and embrace it fully for today. When you give yourself permission to do nothing for a bit, you actually end up bouncing back much quicker and more energetic. 

So, hopefully, one of these items helps you out of your sloth mode. At the very least, you reading this post was doing something so be proud of yourself for that. However, if you are asking yourself why you don’t care about anything anymore or are struggling with this issue and truly feel like you don’t ever want to do anything anymore, it may be the right time to seek some help. Don’t be ashamed to talk to a therapist or reach out for help in some way if you are really struggling. If you’re just like me though and going through a zero motivation spell, I genuinely hope something on this list inspired you, got you going and helped you fix your sloth mode. Is there anything you’d like to add to this list? What do you do when you don’t want to do anything at all? 

Lastly, please don’t forget to hit that little like button if you enjoyed this post and subscribe, so you don’t miss out on future posts. Thank you as always for reading Tall Blonde Tales! You can check out some more posts here: 

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Lots of Love 

Blondey on a Mission xxx

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

52 thoughts

  1. Giving yourself permission to do nothing is the most important tip! We’re all so hard ok ourselves to be productive that we forget to give our mind some off time and chastise ourselves when we need a break. But taking time off is so important to revitalise and get back on your to-dos with more energy. ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I’ve been in a serious “Sloth Mode” for about a week now, but today I got up and started writing again, and boy did I miss it! Such a great pots! Love Cassie xox

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks Blondey
    Enjoyed this “post”
    Do believe all humans are entitled to and deserve a day or two of “sloth” mode, everyday is such a rush to get things done, nice to have time off. I just tell my family I am having an “off” day and to leave me alone, I am miserable and enjoying my space.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Tia! I am Sarah and I have a blog about my writings. I just saw your blog on the schedule of Evin’s blog tour and I really like it! I was laughing hard while reading these ‘things to do’ 😂😂. Anyway, I hope you check out my blog as well! Can’t wait to read your blog tour post!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey Tia. How are you? Sorry for the late comment on this post but this is really an awesome post. I loved reading it. And for me binge watching is the best thing to do whenever I feel too lazy or feel like doing nothing. Loved it 🤗♥️😍🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely tips and advice! I think the hardest for me is the last one because I hate not doing something. Letting myself do nothing is something that is important for anyone’s mental health but I still find it so hard. Sometimes when I’m watching a movie, I’ll be doing some other work so I feel “ productive”😂🤷‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sloth mode is a serious struggle 😫 I think it was particularly common for me in covid because it felt like there was no structure to my days sometimes whereas in normality I’m obligated to get up at a certain time and get things done so the sloth mode doesn’t even have time to activate 😂 I love all these tips though! I like your attitude of getting in workout clothes and not working out, it is truly the thought that counts. I can’t agree with you more about what you wear totally effects your mood! People always ask me why I can’t walk around the house in slippers, it’s because it just makes me feel so de-motivated and in a lazy mood! 😴 Thanks so much for sharing this post 🙂 Hope you’re keeping well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is isn’t it😩 I know I’m feeling that struggle so much now because of covid!! Hehe that’s true 😂 thanks so much I’m glad you enjoyed and it is true about the thought that count 😁 I knowww!! I always feel much lazier if I stay in my pajamas so I completely understand!! Thank you I’m so glad you enjoyed – I am and I hope you are too xx😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Uh yes 😭 Exactly! Covid is definitely not helping 😅 Of course and yes I loved that! Yes exactly, honestly you are what you wear 😂 Kinda anyway! No worries at all, I really did 🙂 For sure just about to start typing up my first tag for somewhat tag week this week!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi, I love this blog post because it is something I can totally relate to. I am most times run out of things to and I love being active so I am going to note this list. I love the part where you said, give yourself permission to do something. Made a lot of sense. I also own a blog. You could check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

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