Disney Q&A with Maggie!

Heyyy everyone – how are you all doing this fine Wednesday? 

Currently I’m going through a very frustrating week that involves university assessments, late work shifts, prep for exams and vaccines …  Honestly I just can’t wait for covid to finally get sorted so everyone can move on with their lives but also for these next few weeks to be over because it will hopefully mean that most of my stresses are behind me and I just have to focus on getting back to the UK. 

Anywho, I had so much fun with Small Talks doing our Disney-themed collab this year and because Disney is just so fantastic and something so many people can connect through, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to do another Disney questionnaire with Maggie from Maggie’s Doodles. I’ve always been a huge admirer of Maggie’s blog, and enjoyed doing her massive Disney tag so much that I jumped when she suggested we also do one. So today, because I just can’t get enough Disney and I hope you aren’t tired of all my Disney chatter, here is another Disney themed collab with Maggie’s Doodles. I am answering her questions here on my blog and she will be answering my questions on her blog. I hope you enjoy!

Photo by Leah Kelley on Pexels.com

1. What are some of the first Disney movies you remember seeing?

The first Disney movie I remember watching is Sleeping Beauty but that’s because I watched it with my older brother and it made me scared of the dark (I mean come on – Maleficent’s green eyes coming out of that dark fireplace are really terrifying!). Some of my other early Disney movies would probably be the classics – Monsters Inc and the Lion King, and of course the Disney princess movies because as a little girl I was obsessed with those musically inclined ladies. Lastly, I’m not sure if this counts because they are PIxar but my dad and I used to watch Finding Nemo and The Incredibles all the time when I was young, so those are also some of my first Disney movies. 

2. Do you prefer animated or live action?

Animated all the way!!! I mean, one or two of the live actions have been okay, but for the most part I haven’t been loving the live action remakes. Also, the stories in the animated movies are just so much more magical and are such a big part of my life so I will always vote animations over live action. 

3. If you could visit one character and get to know them better, who would you visit and what would you enjoy doing in their home world/town with them?

Hmmm this is a tough one. Normally I would pick Stitch because come on who wouldn’t want to visit Stitch but I think a character I would love to spend more time with and explore their world would be Olaf from Frozen. He is just so cheerful and friendly and positive I just love his nature, plus it would be so much fun to explore Arendale with him (hopefully if I’m hanging with Olaf I can meet Elsa and Bruno too but I would be more than ecstatic to just meet Olaf). 

4. Who’s your favorite sidekick?

Pascal by far. He is too adorable for words, yet still has this really cheeky, spunky personality. He has attitude, yet is full of fun, super loyal and just cute. I’ve also chosen him as my favourite because he is always eating, and that cute thing he does when he sticks his tongue in Flynn’s ear. That is honestly my favourite scene in the whole movie, and this is the same film where a frying pan was finally recognised as the glorious weapon it is, so that must tell you something!

5. Which movies are you excited to watch with your future kids and/or nieces and nephews?

Ummm all of them!!! My kids will be the biggest Disney nerds if I have anything to say about it, and quite frankly whoever my husband is at the time won’t have a choice in that matter. I’m particularly excited to show them all the classic Disney animated movies because I think those are the ones that truly capture the magic and wonder, even though I’m keen to show them all the movies I can. 

6. Which movies have you practically memorized word-for-word?

I’m not quite sure how to answer this one because if I’m being honest, I would have to say most of the classic Disney shows. No, I’m not being funny, or trying to sound impressive – I just love the movies so much and having watched them so many times, I’ve ended up memorising most of them word for word. My boyfriend even teases me about it by sometimes muting the movie while I’m distracted doing something else and saying all the lines, and he’ll unmute it in a few minutes and I’ll still be in sync. Yes – a lot of my brain space is dedicated to Disney …

7. What Disney stuffed animals, clothes, etc. do you own/have you owned that you adore?

One of my favourite Disney stuffed animals is my Stitch plushy, who is sadly still in my dorm room in the UK. I am also slowly trying to collect all the Disney Funko pops – one day I’m hoping to fill an entire wall in my future house with Funko Pops and other movie memorabilia. Apart from that, I am particularly in love with my Disney hoodie collection. Ask anyone close to me – I am a hoodie girl! So I think more than half the hoodies I own are Disney themed and I love them all!! My Stich one and Finding Nemo one may be my favourite though. 

8. Have you ever been to any of the Disney parks?

I have actually! I’ve been to the Disney parks in Florida a few times and am busy saving up for another trip there hopefully in the next year or so. I’ve also been to the Disney Paris park twice but that was a long time ago. I’m hoping to one day just do like a Disney world tour and visit every Disney theme park in the world but I think that dream might be quite far away in the future haha. 

9. Is there a movie you’d love to see them make a sequel for?

I would love to see a sequel to Hercules or Treasure Planet. Those were such fun movies with such great characters and I think there could be great potential for sequels to expand on their stories – who knows maybe Disney might just do that in the next few years? 

10. Do you have any ideas for Disney movies they should make in the future?

Ooooh one idea I have been sitting on for a while is for an African Disney princess. In fact, multiple African princesses. I love that the Disney princess lineup has been slowly expanding, but I do think there needs to be more authentic representations from other countries around the world so maybe a Southern African Disney princess could be the next story Disney chooses? 

And there you have it!! I absolutely loved doing this collab because Disney is just awesome, plus it’s always fun to work with other bloggers especially in areas that you both enjoy so Maggie thank you so much for doing this with me I had a blast! If you don’t support Maggie’s Doodles already, please go show her blog some love and be sure to watch out for her part in this collab tomorrow! I hope you all also enjoyed this Disney themed post – if you answered along, please let me know some of your in the comments section and we can chat!! 

Otherwise, thanks everyone and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day! 

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx 

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

42 thoughts

  1. Thanks Blondey, That was super reading all about Disney, write to Disney and suggest an African Princess, you never know till you have tried.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Tia! I tried to comment but it said it couldn’t be posted… maybe it went to spam? Just wanted to let you know 😂 (you can delete this comment – if it even goes through haha!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m honestly sick of these live-action remakes. That’s why I was happy when I heard about ‘Soul’ and ‘Raya and the Last Dragon’ because they were new stories! I haven’t seen these films yet, so if you have, I hope they were good! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha, it’s so good to see another Disney enthusiast in the blogosphere! 😆🙌🏼
    Yeah, even I prefer animated movies to live action ones: sometimes, the live action ones can’t capture the charm the animated ones have. Stitch would be such an epic friend to hang out with, though 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

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