Introducing … The ‘KNOW YOUR BUDDY’ TAG!!!

Helloooo all my lovely readers!!

I never quite thought this day would come but here it is – I’ve made a blogging tag!! Over the summer, Ashish from Proxywords approached me about the two of us collabing on creating a tag together and after quite literal months of hard work, we are ready to share it with all of you!

Together we have created the ‘Know Your Buddy’ Tag, a fun tag to encourage blogger collaborations, and to help us all get to know each other a little better. How it works is you pick another blogger to do the tag with, you answer the questions with each other then share and publish your partner’s answers on your blog and vice versa. Then, because we’re all about sharing the love in the Blogosphere, tag another ten people to answer the same questions and keep the tag going!

To get the ball rolling, Ashish and I thought we’d answer the questions too so I’m sharing their answers here and my answers are on Proxywords so be sure to check out both posts! I hope you all have fun reading our responses, and I am really excited to see how this tag goes! Right, let’s stop dawdling and get straight into it.

Set of Rules

· Tag the original creators of this tag – Tallblondetales and Proxywords – and tag the original posts from each of their blogs. If you do, you’ll be eligible for the roundup post and grand ‘Know Your Buddy’ tag winner! If not, you can still take part in the tag you just won’t be a contender for the overall winner.

· Thank the bloggers who nominated you (and your buddy), share the badge and rules in your post.

· Pick a blogger with whom you’d like to do this tag with, answer the questions together, and share each other’s answers on both the blogs.

· Nominate 10 new Bloggers and keep spreading the love.

· Notify the bloggers (tell them you nominated them) by commenting on one of their posts.

Photo by Joshua Miranda on

Questions & Answers (Ashish)

1. What is your favorite blog post of mine and why?

I love all your Eco-friendly challenge posts, Blogging tips and competition posts. But I liked these two posts on your blog: Powering through Procrastination–tips and tricks and 101 Blog post ideas. The Procrastination post was very relatable and the tips you shared there were very simple yet helpful. I liked the way you structured that whole post coupled with fun GIF’s breaking the monotony. Also, how can I forget the 101 Blog post ideas post which I bet was helpful to your summer contest participants and all the other Bloggers? It was amazing to see so many ideas in a single post which were beautifully picked. Even this collab post idea was an inspiration from one of the 101 ideas!

2. What would you like to be known for – your name or your Blog name?

That’s a tricky question. Since, I have a business name; but the blog name and business name are both different. So, I will go ahead with the mutual name between these two; yes, you guessed it right – My name! J

3. If you had to swap niches, which niche would you change to?

I do not relate my blog to any niche–It’s a mix of poems and write-ups related to various lifestyle related topics. If I had to choose a specific niche, it would be a Blog related to Interior designs and decor. I love how creative one can be with the interior in our homes. It’s like creating a whole new world in the same old place.

4. What is the weirdest comment you have ever gotten about your blog?

Thankfully, I haven’t received any weird comments on my blog yet. There was one guy who spammed my comment section with n number of spam links in a single day. I felt that weird as it was the first time I was experiencing it on my blog.

5. Do you think cereal is soup? why or why not?

Ohh, this is a long debate topic. In my opinion, cereal is cereal and not soup. Vegetables added to broth is a soup. A cereal added to anything is eventually cereal itself. I know that’s confusing at the end. So, cereal is not a soup!!!

6. If you had a controller that has the power to rewind or fast forward, which one would

you press on WordPress?

I know it’s every Blogger’s wish to rewind back and change things related to their blog and website and so will be mine.

7. Your blog is chosen to sponsor a charity. If funds were not an issue, which charity or

issue would your blog choose to support?

If my Blog sponsors a charity, I would like to contribute to Azim Premji Foundation which is a non-profit organization that has been working to improve school education in India and MSF (Doctors without Borders) which is an international organization that works in over 70 countries and is a Noble Peace Prize winner.

8. If you two were to be buddy characters in a movie, which characters would you be

and why?

Maybe we would portray Chip and Dale from Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers – working, suggesting ideas and having fun together! (Barring the negative qualities of Dale)

9. Which is the most boring part of posting blog posts for you, or what part of posting

a blog is the laziest according to you?

The hashtags part is the laziest part of posting my blog posts. I know some of you will laugh at this especially, the social media managers or social media content creators but I hate that part. It’s tough to recall or think of related hashtags and type it in the hashtag box. That is definitely the laziest part for me for both platforms – my blog and IG page!

10. What are the unwritten rules of your blog?

Some unwritten rules of my blog are-

· Writing lifestyle and relatable content

· Engaging and supporting other Bloggers

· Spreading positivity through my posts to reach wider audience

11. If you could transform into any animal, what would it be and why?

Ummm…I adore all the animals. I am not sure of this answer, but maybe a cheetah someday – just because I love the speed of cheetah and would like to experience the feeling to travel @110-120 km/hr. speed in the forest area! 😀

12. If your blog had a superpower/magical element, what would it be?

If my Blog had a superpower that would be – If I post any Blog post, that would reach everybody out in this world and whatever tips/kind advice they read on my Blog would be transferred to them automatically (Haha, that’s a superpower at the end of day).

13.What reminds you of me?

A High-five. Full of celebration and always in touch no matter what!

14. If you were given the power to exchange Blogs for a day, which thing will change or

adapt first?

I think I will change your logo a little bit, though the present one is not at all bad. If I

would want to adapt something that would be the consistency of your Blog posts.

15. What new username would you give to my Blog?

Your present Blog username is apt for you. Still if I need to change that on similar

grounds, that would be ecogradtales.

Reading these answers was almost as fun as answering the questions for myself – I especially love the idea of us being Chip & Dale, and the new name for my blog … may definitely consider that if I ever change things up or end up writing a book!!

Right, so now it’s time to get onto the nominations. The two of us have nominated the following 10 bloggers to start spreading our little tag:

And YOU!!! We’re leaving the nominations open too so if you feel like this is a tag you’d love to take part in, you’re more than welcome to pick a buddy and join the tag! If you’re keen to take part, just pop it in the comments and consider yourself nominated. There’s also no pressure to accept this nomination, and the questions are locked so when you’re doing the tag with your buddy, please answer the same questions, and share the same questions that are listed below!

Photo by Stephan Seeber on


– What is your favorite blog post of mine and why? 

– What would you like to be known for – your name or your Blog name? 

– If you had to swap niches, which niche would you change to? 

– What is the weirdest comment you have ever gotten about your blog? 

– Do you think cereal is soup? Why or why not? 

-If you had a controller that has the power to rewind or fast forward, which one would you press on WordPress? 

– Your blog is chosen to sponsor a charity. If funds were not an issue, which charity or issue would your blog choose to support? 

– If you two were to be buddy characters in a movie, which characters would you be and why? 

– Which is the most boring part of posting blog posts for you, or what part of posting a blog are you laziest about doing? 

– What are the unwritten rules of your blog? 

– If you could transform into any animal, what would it be and why? 

– If your blog had a superpower/magical element, what would it be? 

– What reminds you of me? 

– If you were given the power to exchange Blogs for a day, which thing will change or adapt first?  

– What new username would you give to my Blog?

And there you have it! We really are so excited to launch this tag and we hope that all of you get as much fun taking part in it as we had creating it! Thank you all for reading, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the different ‘Know Your Buddy’ Tags floating around the blogosphere and reading all your responses!

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

41 thoughts

  1. This is such a fun tag! So Unique and original. Thanks a lot for nominating me! Loved Ashish’s answers. Especially the charity one. You guys have left us with biiig shoes to fill; so hopefully my partner and I (whoever it is) do justice to this wonderful tag! Thanks again!
    And oh; I love the idea of an agony-aunt series for your blog with advices for university students. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww thank you I’m so glad you think so 🙈🙈 you deserve it and no pressure I’m sure you and your buddy will do a phenomenal job🥰✨ oooh yay so glad – feel free to pop me an email if you have any particular questions I can use as inspiration 😉


  2. – What is your favorite blog post of mine and why?
    The one that sticks out is your recent one about freshman week. That brought back a lot of memories.

    – What would you like to be known for – your name or your Blog name?
    My blogging name isn’t my real name, so I’m not even sure…

    – If you had to swap niches, which niche would you change to?
    Hmm… maybe back to my old blog, where I just wrote about what was on my mind.

    – What is the weirdest comment you have ever gotten about your blog?
    I can’t really think of any weird ones. I don’t get many comments to begin with :\

    – Do you think cereal is soup? Why or why not?
    No. Because it’s not. 😛

    -If you had a controller that has the power to rewind or fast forward, which one would you press on WordPress?
    Rewind. I don’t like the way this world is going.

    – Your blog is chosen to sponsor a charity. If funds were not an issue, which charity or issue would your blog choose to support?
    I can think of a lot of charities that would lose me a lot of readers who disagree with their mission, so I’d probably pick something politically neutral, like a food bank.

    – If you two were to be buddy characters in a movie, which characters would you be and why?
    n/a, since I don’t have a partner for this year. If you mean you and me, I don’t really have a good answer for that…

    – Which is the most boring part of posting blog posts for you, or what part of posting a blog are you laziest about doing?
    It’s never really boring to me… life just gets in the way sometimes.

    – What are the unwritten rules of your blog?
    The biggest one is that my blog is set in an alternate universe where Green Day doesn’t exist. It feels historically inauthentic to write nostalgic stories set in 1994-99 about a university student who listens to a lot of music and not ever mention Green Day, but I hate that band so much, and they don’t deserve to be part of my fictional world.

    – If you could transform into any animal, what would it be and why?
    An eagle. Because ‘Merica.

    – If your blog had a superpower/magical element, what would it be?
    I’ve never really thought about this…

    – What reminds you of me?
    Right now, just South Africa in general, because I don’t really know anyone else from there who I’m currently in touch with.

    – If you were given the power to exchange Blogs for a day, which thing will change or adapt first?
    I wouldn’t, because I’m not you.

    – What new username would you give to my Blog?
    I think yours is fine the way it is.

    I know I’m supposed to do this with someone, but that’s too much work right now 😛

    Liked by 3 people

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