10 in 1 Blogging awards – Second Edition! (part one)

OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! My brain is exploding from an overload of happiness and excitement. Since the beginning, I never imagined that this blog would be where it is today and for that, I have all of you to thank!! 

The first achievement I want to celebrate is having more than 500 followers!!! I can’t believe that there are 500 people out there who choose to follow Tall Blonde Tales, when I couldn’t imagine there ever being more than 50. So to every single one of you who subscribes, thank you so much for helping me get to this significant milestone. 

Now onto the awards. WOW WOW WOWWW!! These last two months have been absolutely mind blowing for me and I have been nominated for more awards than I ever thought possible! All I can say is just how unbelievably happy I am and thankful to everyone for nominating me!! I’ve gotten a bit behind on my awards posts so I’m going to repeat what I did last time and join a few nominations together so today I’ll be doing the Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award, the Offshore Blogging award and my two nominations for the Outstanding blogger award. This is going to be quite a long post so enough of my babbling and let’s get started! 

Photo by Miesha Moriniere on Pexels.com

Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award

So a huge thank you goes out to Aanya from Soaring Firebolt for nominating me for this award. I love Aanya’s blog because it is filled with Harry Potter posts so I highly recommend you go and check out her blog here. She is also a great friend so Aanya, thank you so much for this. 


  • Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog 
  • Make a post of the award (with a photo of the logo) 
  • Post the rules 
  • Ask 5-10 questions of your choice
  • Nominate 10-30 bloggers (or more) and notify them) 
  • Thank the originator of the award who has given us a platform whereby bloggers can be discovered and recognized for the work that they do. Please follow Vincent’s blog here. 

Questions from Aanya: 

Is blogging a profession or a hobby for you? 

It’s definitely more of a hobby than a profession. I just have fun doing it in my spare time and while it’s exciting to make a few cents from ads, and I hope to one day monetise a bit more and make some money from my blog, it’s not a profession. 

How many friends have you made from blogging? 

Too many to count. Honestly I can’t believe how many friends I’ve made through blogging – they are amazing and I love chatting to them and it only happened through networking. 

What activities inspire you to feel like you’re living your life to the fullest? 

Hmmm that’s a good question. I’d say activities that inspire me or ones that I’m passionate about (like writing blogs or my book) or even things that challenge me (*cough cough exercise). I also love music, or reading, even relaxing with my cat because all these tasks either remind me of all the amazing things in my life and give me perspective, or they encourage me to keep pushing myself and not let my fears stop me from accomplishing anything. 

Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels.com

Where do you see yourself in the next five years? 

Hopefully I’ll have finished my undergrad degree and be starting a masters and maybe buying my own house. I’d like to be as independent as possible in the next five years. 

Do you ever regret any of your posts? 

No not at all. I love all of my posts because all of them have sentimental value and a special memory attached to them. 

My nominees: 

I nominate all of you for this award and pass on the same questions. Every single one of you is phenomenal so instead of picking and choosing bloggers to nominate, you can all accept this award if you choose and continue to spread the love! I want to thank Aanya from Soaring Fire Bolt for nominating me one last time – THANK YOU! 

Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

The Offshore Reader Award: 

Next, I want to thank an incredible friend of mine, Anjali from Chasing the Maximum Life, for nominating me for the Offshore Reader award. Anjali is one of the first blogging friends I made and I’m so thankful for it every day. She runs an incredible lifestyle blog (where she also gives great fashion/beauty advice) but she is also such a sweet, kind and wonderful person so be sure to check out her blog here



  • Thank the person who nominated you 
  • Include the award image on your post 
  • Add a link to the blog of the person who nominated you 
  • Answer the question given to you 
  • Nominate at least two other bloggers 
  • Ask your own question

*To know more about the award, click here 

I was asked the following question by Anjali from Chasing the Maximum Life

Tell me about one of your favourite blog posts that you think others should read? Share the link of the post. 

Hmm I love so many of my posts for different reasons but at the moment I think one of my favourite blog posts would be Pimples, Stretch marks and Scars: What’s under the Filter. I love this post and think others should read it because it’s about all those aspects of our body that are normal, yet we feel ashamed of them because of societal pressure and expectations. This post is essentially a body appreciation post because we all need to stop thinking negatively about things that are normal and instead embrace our bodies and beauty exactly the way we are. It’s about time we start loving ourselves by our own guidelines, not by the ones dictated to us by society and social media. 

My nominees: 

Emmanuella from Beautyetbows

Enviroline blog 

My question: 

If you could change one thing in the world, anything at all, and have it be a permanent change (ie. your change lasts forever and isn’t reversible), what would it be and why? 

The Outstanding Blogger Award: 

Last but not least, I want to thank Hannah from Illustrated by Hannah and Aanya from Soaring Firebolt for nominating me for another Outstanding Blogger award! Both of them have truly fantastic blogs but they are also really sweet and great friends so please please go check out their blogs. You can check out Hannah’s blog here and Aanya’s blog here


  • Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (This is very important – you’ll see why in step 5). This award was created by Colton Beckwith and the original post is here
  • Answer the questions provided 
  • Create 7 unique questions
  • Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated. 
  • At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award! 

Questions from Hannah/Aanya: 

(because Aanya passed on the same questions from Hannah, I don’t have two sets of questions for this award so I’m just going to be answering them once) 

What inspired you to write a blog? 

I started my gap year and had the opportunity to finally start writing again. I was inspired to start my blog by this great opportunity I had and it was also a chance for me to write, share advice and tell stories. 

State your favourite quote OR Is there a book that changed your life? If so, in what way? 

“Be yourself. No one can say you’re doing it wrong.” – Charles M. Schulz

What is your definition of success? 

I think having accomplished your goals, being at a place in life where you are happy and are doing something you love is my idea of success. Money isn’t linked to success for me – I’d consider myself far more successful if I was doing something I’m passionate about and am happy with my life and have great friends and family around me. 

What is your biggest fear? 

Being too scared to chase my dreams and also being alone and forgotten. 

What have you learned during this pandemic? 

I’ve improved my French, learnt how to make some basic home beauty products and some very very simple yoga moves and lastly, I’ve learnt the value of appreciating the small things in life and that it’s okay if everything doesn’t go to plan. So long as you stay positive and go with the flow as much as you can, everything will work out the way it’s meant to.

If you won the lottery, what would you spend that money on? (Imagine that you have won millions)

So many things haha. I would probably put a portion aside as savings for the future (like for my kid’s school fees) just because I’m that person. As for the rest, I would probably try to buy Disney World or Universal Studios (because I’m a big dork and I love those franchises and theme parks), or I would make a giant library like the one from Beauty and the Beast. I would also donate a large portion to WWF because the environmental situation and damage we are inflicting on our planet and all the animals really distresses me and I want to try and do what I can to save the environment and support wildlife conservation. 

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 

I’d want to be somewhere peaceful but isn’t in the middle of nowhere, and also a place that would allow me easy access to travelling. So I’d probably say the United Kingdom because I love the culture and I could live in a beautiful country house without being too far away from the hustle and bustle of a city. 

My Nominees:

Anjali from Chasing the Maximum Life 

Charlotte from Bewitching Books, Ravenous Reads 

Anjali from Anjaliutters

Introvert Next Door 

Cookie Girl from Sky and Soil 

Sarah from Notes and Notebooks

Catie from Catie Blogs

xoxlucy from Lifestyleaddict

Addie from Life in Pajamas 

Olivia Lucie Blake 

*For all those I’ve nominated, there is no pressure to accept any of these awards. Also, it’s always so hard to only nominate a limited number of people when every single blog out there is fantastic and deserves the recognition so if you want, please consider yourself nominated!! You deserve it!! 

My Questions: 

  1. What’s your favourite guilty pleasure? 
  2. What’s your biggest comfort when you’re feeling sad? 
  3. If you had to describe your personality as a colour, which colour would it be and why? 
  4. Is there a book or a movie that changed your life or significantly influenced you? What was it and why was it so significant? 
  5. What’s your dream pet?
  6. If you could only have one drink for the rest of your life (besides water. It’s healthy so water is exempt from this) what would it be and why? 
  7. Favourite holiday and why? 

And pheww we made it to the end! Once again, I want to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who have tagged and nominated me for these awards (part two to follow shortly and any other tags you have so kindly nominated me for). I would like to dedicate this post and all these awards to everybody who reads my blog every single day! My blog wouldn’t be what it is now without your constant love and support and I am so thankful for it so here is to all of you!! I had so much fun answering these questions, and thank you all for reading Tall Blonde Tales. That’s all I have for you today but I’ll see you soon with part two! 

Lots of Love 

Blondey on a Mission xxx 

P.S. For more award posts you can look here

You can also follow me on social media 

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Tipping may be bad for cows but it would be really helpful for Tall Blonde Tales as every penny helps the writer and maintaining the blog


Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

58 thoughts

  1. Oooh congrats on all of these awards and on 500+ followers!!! You deserve it all!!💞
    I think I’ll do the Vincent ehindero w
    Award since I’ve always wanted to get nominated for it, so thanks!! (Even if didn’t actually “nominate” me )
    Great job!!!
    Have a great day and stay safe!!
    P.S. could you drop me a link to your first post?
    That was so random😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey! Tia . Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow . Just Wow. I am so so so so happy for you my dear. 500 followers that’s such an incredible milestone. You are really doing a fab job on your blog. And it makes me so happy to see your blog grow. Keep achieving more and more. I am always there to support you. Also a big congratulations for so many awards. You are a great blogger and you definitely deserve all of this. Also thank you so much for nominating me for the Outstanding Blogger Award. I feel honoured. Thank you so much 😍😍♥️♥️💯💯. Much love to youu dear. Cheers to many more Followers and awards too. Keep writing. Stay safe and happy always 😍😍♥️♥️💯💯💯🎀🎀🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heyy!! Thank you so so so so much!! I know I really can’t believe it and thank you for your constant support you are a big reason why it’s grown so thank you!! Also, thank you so much I really appreciate that and of course you are a phenomenal blogger and deserve it!! Keep safe yourself and keep writing because you are amazing 😍😍😍😊😊❤️❤️💖💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heyy!! Awww anytime dear. Yessss😍😍😍😍😍😍 true. You really are such a lovely blogging friend and I am so grateful for you . You brighten my day with your lovely comments .😍😍😍. I mean thank you so much to you too . Yesss you too stay safe and stay happy. Yaaay definitely. You too . Keep blogging. 🤗😍💯♥️

        Liked by 1 person

  3. CONGRATS!!! Even though I haven’t been on your blogging journey from the beginning, you are so dedicated to your blog and it’s easy to see that you put so much work into it 💖 Congratulations on 500 and here’s to many more!!
    Also thanks for the nomination👍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First of all: PARTAYYYYYY WHOOP WHOOP YOU DESERVE THISSSSSSSSS!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS On your awards and your 500+ friends!!!!!!!! (I hope you didn’t die of happiness tho… 😂) Second of all thanks for nominating me, I appreciate you thinking of me, I have like 1234567890 awards left to do. 😂Great post xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOUR COMMENTS MAKE ME SOOOOO HAPPPY!!! *TWIRLS IN CIRCLES then falls over from dizziness* Thank you so so so much (I died but came back to life to check it was real😂) and awww of course you deserve it!! Have fun ploughing through those awards 😉😂 lots of love xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 500 followers, that is so amazing 🥰 You deserve it though Blondey, each of your posts brings a smile to my face! I absolutely love the quote about being yourself, it really brought a smile to my face and massively resonated with me. Cuddling with my cats can remind me on the bad days that there is a reason to smile and it will get better 💖 I don’t think I knew what it felt like to feel alive until I exercised, a runners high is honestly like a legal drug, I would definitely be classed as an addict if exercise was a drug 😅 It also really helps me to sort out my emotions and keeps me from going off balance and stressing out over things 🤭 Enough of me rambling I’m so happy for you getting these nominations!! 😍 Hope you’re keeping well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much I can’t quite believe it myself 😱 awww wowww thank you so much I can’t tell you how much that means to me 🥺❤️❤️ I know it’s my favourite quote – it’s the one I put in our yearbook. Exactly cat cuddles are the best 💖 I have yet to experience a running high no matter how much I run so 🙄😂😂 yeah I get that I do always feel more stable in a sense after exercising. Awwww thank you so much and never stress about the rambling 😉🥰 I’m doing great thanks and hope the same for you😊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course and awh! ☺️ No need to thank me 💕 That’s awesome! Yearbooks are definitely a foreign thing like I don’t even know exactly what they are?? Preaching that 🥺 Oh no!! Well it is pretty much a drug 😂 Same here I think it gives the feeling of being in control. Of course and I’m even worse when I talk to people 😂 Happy to hear and me too, for once I’m not stressed because school is in 3 days and I’m trying not to freak out 😞

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awhhh! ☺️ Oh no I hope you get it, make sure you have some great tunes, that will definitely help. Thank you so much and oh no!! Try not to over-stress though because pressure is good but when pressure becomes stress you need to fix it you know? It will all work out Blondey 💖


  6. Thank you so much for the nomination and sorry for how long it took me to acknowledge it. I meant to be back to my blog a lot sooner than this.

    Anyway congratulations on all of the awards and followers ❤❤ I’m so happy to hear that you’ve made so many friends through blogging. And I love the quote that you shared.
    It’s awesome that you’ve improved tour French recently. I did learn some at school but I honestly don’t know if I can even remember much of it. Which sucks as I’d love to know another language. Anyway I hope you’re well 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

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