October Reflections, Highlights and Favourites

Can you believe October is already over? This month had so many fun events and activities, but also some great favourites so this blog post is my monthly reflection. What were your highlights this month?

October and November Favourites

These last two months have been a complete whirlwind, but it could not have been more fun and exciting. And scary. There were definitely lots of nerves and astronomical spikes in stress. But hey I’m still alive and very much coping – my first term of uni is drawing to a close, and that made me think of doing a reflection post, going back over my favourite moments, and a few of the exciting things that have happened. I’ve always loved the idea of doing a post reflecting back on the previous month because you get to look back at everything you’ve learnt, all you’ve achieved and remember some really special memories. So today I’m going to be sharing some of my favourites of the last two months with this big, beautiful blogging community – YOU!!

It’s Spooktober! Let’s Talk Phobias and Fears …

With Halloween being such a spooky time, what better opportunity to talk about fears and phobias? I mean just looking at all of the spider decor has given me more shivers and anxiety than I care to admit. We’re all scaredy cats about something, and there is something for everyone that just makes their knees weak, and every single hair stands on end. Whether it is spiders, the dark, clowns, spoons etc. there is something for everyone that raises the hairs on your neck and sends a chill down your spine. Today, I’d like to dive into this topic of fears and phobias, to match up with the setup and count-down to Halloween. So, without further ado, let’s talk about things that scare us shall we? (Cue lightning and an evil cackle).

Goals for October – My Mission this Month

I’ve always been quite a goal-orientated person, and I love setting myself challenges to try and see if I can achieve them. I also think that setting yourself goals is a great way to help you achieve important things in your life that you may not have focused on, or that needed to be broken up into smaller goals to make more manageable. Goals are good! So, today I’ve decided to share with you what my goals, my mission for this month, are. There are blog-related ones, and personal ones and I hope that by the end of the post you feel inspired to set yourself some small goals. Or, you could just feel encouraged to harass me by making sure I achieve the goals I’ve set out for myself. Either way, I hope that you enjoy today’s blog post about goals for October.