The Small Joys Tag!

I was going to include this tag in my big awards post, but I just loved the idea of it and thought, because it’s not technically an award, that I’d give it its own special post and this is it. So, a huge thank you to Evin from a Curly Sue’s Ramblings and Meekly Insane from the Sycamore Quill for tagging me in this – I really really appreciate it. It was such a wholesome post to write, so thank you for that! Here are my 15 small joys!

A week of baking adventures

The menu this week included macaroons (two different flavours), chocolate croissants, or pain au chocolat to be technically correct and a koi fish pond cake, with a jelly centre. Sounds scary and complicated? Oh believe me it was – but it was still lots of fun, so I’m going to break down each one and just share a little story of how the making went. 😊 I hope you enjoy xx

Things to do at home during isolation/quarantine – how to keep the boredom at bay

Hey everyone! No matter where you are in the world, indoors seem to be where it’s at. By that, I mean COVID-19 is getting to the stage where it’s safer for everyone to stay at home just to reduce the risk of spread and infection. South Africa is having a 21-day lockdown starting tomorrow, so I too will be spending a significant amount of time in the not-too-distant-future inside the four walls of our house. With that being said, being stuck at home can be incredibly boring. I mean after a few days, things can start to get pretty dull and without being able to escape to the entertainment of the outside world, that means one needs to start getting pretty creative to keep boredom at bay. That’s what I’m going to try and do today – help give a few suggestions for how you can pass the hours at home and not succumb to the dullness of being ‘trapped’ at home. There are quite a few suggestions here, that can be quite adaptable depending on what you enjoy, so I hope you find at least one that can help you with your time at home during this difficult time.