Celebrating my 22nd Birthday

Hi everyone – today I’m skipping the university advice post to just do a little appreciation post for my birthday. I hope you still enjoy it xx

University Socialising – party animal or bookworm?

One of the big questions that come up about university is the type of student you’re going to be. Deciding whether you want to be more of a party animal, a homebody or a bookworm is just down to what you prefer, and what experiences you think will make you happy or help you have the best time at uni for you. Sooooo today I thought I’d go through a few ideas for testing the waters to see what you prefer, or if you already know, what sort of things you can do with your friends. Let’s get going then shall we? 

The Small Joys Tag!

I was going to include this tag in my big awards post, but I just loved the idea of it and thought, because it’s not technically an award, that I’d give it its own special post and this is it. So, a huge thank you to Evin from a Curly Sue’s Ramblings and Meekly Insane from the Sycamore Quill for tagging me in this – I really really appreciate it. It was such a wholesome post to write, so thank you for that! Here are my 15 small joys!

Tips for not killing your significant other during quarantine

For many couples, the idea of having to quarantine together sounds like a dream come true. So often, due to the hustle and bustle of life, you seem to never have enough time together. It’s such an effort to try and squeeze a date night in, or some quality time outside of work with no phones or distractions but now with a stretch of time ahead where you’re meant to be inside for 24/7 with each other, that should solve all the problems right? Unfortunately, not everyone feels this way and more often than not, this forced period of alone time could end up being more of a curse than a blessing. So how on earth are we meant to get through it? I’m sure that you don’t want to lose your cool with your partner during quarantine, or get so annoyed that the foundation of your bond starts to crack and violence is starting to sound tempting. Well, I’m not going to lie to you that it isn’t going to be easy. People trapped inside a house, unable to go outside or out into the world and stuck with each other all day every day with no break? I don’t think even the strongest of people can survive that without getting at least a little bit frustrated. However, there are certain things that you can do to ease the pain and make staying together during lockdown bearable and not a total disaster. So, let’s get started shall we?

How to Survive a Family Vacation

We all love the idea of going on vacation. It’s a chance to kick back and cleanse all of the work stress out of our bodies. It is the chance to finally take a deep breath out and just relax for once. You can revel in the fact that the hardest decision you will need to make is about what you feel like eating next. Family vacations can be even more fun in principle. It is an opportunity to spend time with your family in a relaxed environment, where you can all bond and have fun and make lots of special memories together. On paper, it all sounds perfect, but anyone who has been on a family vacation knows that sometimes it can be anything but perfect. Let me tell you the truth – perfect family vacations only exist on social media and in travel brochures. Even the most tight-knit family that gets along swimmingly won’t be 100% happy and picture-perfect on holiday. Things happen – people argue and fight, plans fall through, there are too many people, or the weather just has it out for you. Anything can happen that can turn your picture-perfect family vacation into something that seems more fitting in a horror show than a blow-up picture in a travel agency. Sometimes family vacations take a little hard work so that they are fun and relaxing for all. So, seeing as I am currently on holiday with my family (and boyfriend) in Croatia, I thought I might share some tips for how to survive a family vacation. If you’re interested, keep reading 🙂

Embrace Your Geekness!

According to my list of non-official holidays in my diary, today is ‘embrace your geekness’ day, and that’s why Tall Blonde Tales will be celebrating ‘geekness’ in today’s blog post. Now the common thought around being a geek, at least from what I’ve encountered, is that it isn’t a good thing, and the word itself has quite a few negative connotations. The term ‘geek’ used to be a derogatory term to describe circus workers, and from there it was transformed into something of an insult on people. Now the terms nerd and geek are used interchangeably even though they have different meanings. A geek is someone brainy who is good with technology while a nerd is someone with an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject. How I define a geek though, is someone who has a particular affinity or interest in any subject or field. Well, today we are rejecting all negative associations with the term ‘geek’ (as we should generally do, not just today specifically) and celebrating it. Every single one of us is a geek in some way, so don’t feel ashamed of the term. Today, you embrace every aspect of your geekness with open arms!

Happy Chocolate Day!

Hello everyone and happy almost chocolate day! Today’s blog post is going to be a little different because instead of giving advice or sharing fun and insightful stories, today is all about celebrating the delicious sweet treat that is chocolate. Chocolate is something that I believe everyone loves, in at least one of its many forms. Even for those who can’t eat chocolate because of lactose intolerance reasons, the world has created a solution with the invention of dairy-free chocolate, vegan chocolate and other types of variations. In honour of chocolate day tomorrow, today I would like to share some of the many wonders of chocolate and a few fun facts so if you like chocolate (and I think there shouldn’t be a person out there who says no) then I highly suggest you get comfortable, grab a chocolatey snack and keep reading.