50 000 VIEWS!!! And blogger shout outs

Oh em geee!!

50 000 views on Tall Blonde Tales…

Words really can’t express how amazing that feels.

*Does crazy-looking happy dance, throws confetti and screams like a five-year-old at Christmas time

When I first started my blog, I thought it would just be like an online diary, or a guidebook with dorky commentary I wished I had going through those experiences. In all honesty, I had a dream that it would be something I could maintain and grow, but I never thought it would turn into this massive thing with so much support.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for all the love and support you have given me and my blog from the very start. To the phenomenal bloggers who helped me grow, taught me lessons and gave me a brand new network to make friends; to my friends, family and boyfriend for the constant support even on days where I wanted to literally chuck my laptop out of my window and sob; and to all you beautiful readers who take the time out of your day to read my blog, leave comments and share it with your friends.


Sooooo because I am super appreciative of all the love and support I’ve gotten from all of you, I figured the only appropriate response is to pass on that love. That’s why today, I’m also going to give a shoutout to ten blogs that I have absolutely loved reading over these last few weeks.

Now enough of my rambling, let’s get onto sharing some love. Without further adieu, here are my Blogger Shoutouts!

Maggie @ Maggie’s Doodles

Olivia @ Oliva Lucie Blake

Lili @ Lili’s Not-So-Secret Diary

Ang @ Lose Weight with Ang

Happy Panda

Elsie @ Elsie LMC

Pavithra @ Small Talks

Not-so-modern Girl

Aditi @ What are you up to during the lockdown??

Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings

A huge shoutout to all these gorgeous bloggers!!

But please don’t feel sad if you aren’t on this list. That doesn’t mean you and your blog aren’t absolutely amazing. If you want me to check out your blog, please say so in the comments and add a link so I can check it out!

Lastly, I wanted to say thanks to those who have already sent in entries for the Summer Competition!! Please don’t forget you can still take part if you want, and you can enter any or all of the three categories as many times as you want so I hope more of you plan on sending me submissions between now and Saturday. If you want details you can check out my post explaining the competition here!

Otherwise, that’s all I have for you guys today. Thank you so much for reading and I’ll see you on Wednesday!

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

63 thoughts

  1. Thanks for the shout-out my dear, I’m glad you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love reading yours. Also, great job on the 50,000 views! If you had any doubt, there’s proof that your blog is awesome! πŸ’œ

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Omgg!! Congratulations!! Getting 50K views isn’t easy but you’ve done it! I’m so happy for you!! Thank you so much for the shout out as well 😊.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations 😊 πŸŽ‰ 🀩
    I just got the first milestone notification that is 10 total likes and I was so exited for that itself. You must be on top of the world right now !! Awesome πŸ‘

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much!! βœ¨πŸ’— oh wow congrats on hutting that milestone you’ll be at 100 before you know it!! Yeah it is amazing thank you – can’t wait for you to reach your milestones too!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—βœ¨

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww thank you so much!! You are so so sweet and I promise you can honestly achieve anything you want I still consider myself a small blogger but I can’t wait to see what you achieve and good luck reaching your own milestones!! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

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