The Folklore Book Tag

Helloooo there everyone!! I hope you’re all having a fantastic start to your week. I’m busy gearing up for my grand departure to university, so I’m spending every spare second prepping and stressing (cause that’s who I am and always find a reason to worry about something). Maybe there’s a whole post in there somewhere? 

Anywho, I’m slowly trying to catch up on all the phenomenal awards and tags I’ve been nominated for, and today I’m doing the Folklore Book Tag. I might actually turn this whole week into a tags/awards week, so I can catch up (and also maybe to distract myself from the ever-growing stress related to my visa which has yet to arrive). For those of you who know me or have seen my book-related posts, you’ll know that I’m a huge bookworm, so I had great fun answering these prompts. Before I get into my answers though, I just want to say a huge thank you to Potterheadaanya from Soaring Firebolt for tagging me to participate in this!! She has a super fantastic blog too (she’s a Harry Potter Fan if that isn’t reason enough to follow her then I don’t know what will convince you), which you can check out here. Right, now onto the Folklore Book Tag! 


  • Link to the original creator: Ilsa @ A Whisper of Ink 
  • Tag at least three people
  • Declare the rules and list of prompts in your post 
  • Thank whoever tagged you and link to their post

The One: A book with an ending that left you speechless

It only happens in the movies by Holly Bourne. No comment just wow. 

Cardigan: A book that makes you feel happy and sad all at once 

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – those books really spoke to me. While there are so many parts that make me so happy, the social commentary and wisdom (and all the troubles the characters experience) also makes me sad when I reflect and look at the world as it is. 

The last great American dynasty: A book with a fascinating and extremely well-told story 

Harry Potter or the Lunar Chronicles 

Exile: A book you wish you hadn’t read 

Throne of Glass – I pushed myself to finish the second book, but I just could not keep reading it so I wish I’d never started it in the first place. 

My tears ricochet: A book that made you cry uncontrollably 

Heartless by Marissa Meyer – I think my tear stains are still marking the pages that’s how much I cried. 

Mirror ball: A book that feels like it was written just for you 

The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts – I related to Amy on such a deep, personal level it was insane. Even her antics and the way her internal voice comes through, it felt like I was reading a book about myself and like Lisa Brown Roberts had written it just for me. 

Seven: A childhood book that makes you feel nostalgic

Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss (my dad used to read me this book all the time) or any of the Enid Blyton Books (the St Clares and Malory Towers books especially! – my gran introduced me to them and whenever I pick one up it brings a smile to my face.) 

August: A book that reminds you of summer

The children of Cherry tree farm by Enid Blyton or Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett. 

This is me trying: A book that deals with loneliness and sadness

All the bright places by Jenifer Nivens 

Invisible string: A book that came into your life at the exact right time 

The Bookworm crush, because it inspired me to start writing again and reminded me that all my bookwormy/nerdy personality traits I’d been made to feel embarrassed by were awesome and I shouldn’t be ashamed of them. 

Mad woman: A book with a female character you adore 

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell – Cath is too fantastic for words. I love her, and she is my idol. 

Epiphany: A book that is haunting 

All the bright places by Jenifer Nivens – I know I’ve used this book already, but it fills both of these prompts for me too perfectly. 

Betty: A book couple that fills you with yearning 

Nova and Adrian from the Renegades Trilogy. My heart went out to these two from the moment they had their inciting incident, and it was so beautiful watching their relationship and interactions progress throughout the trilogy. 

Peace: a book character you’d die for because you love them so much!

 Cath from Fangirl or Luna from Harry Potter 

Hoax: A book that you thought you were going to love but didn’t 

Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird and Throne of Glass. I really wanted to like these books, and I’ve tried so hard to reread them with an open mind, but I just don’t love them. 

My nominees: 

Anjali from Chasing the Maximum Life 

Emmanuella from BeautyetBows

Charlotte from Bewitching Books, Ravenous Reads 

XOXlucy from LifestyleAddict 


And there we have it!! I had so much fun answering these prompts because I got to reflect on so many books I love and think back to childhood favourites with that comforting feeling of nostalgia so thank you once again Potterheadaanya for tagging me. As for my nominees, I look forward to reading your posts on these tags but also no pressure to accept them. Thank you all so much for reading Tall Blonde Tales – I love each and every one of you and thank you for taking the time out of your days to read my blog. Now one last thing before I sign off … 

What are some of your favourite books? What’s one of your childhood favourites? Which genre is your favourite to read? Who is your favourite book character?? 

(I’m looking forward to reading your answers – maybe we share a few??)

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx

P.S. For more book-related blogs, you can check them out here:

Reading as a hobby

June Book Reviews

My three books of the month

You can also follow me on social media 

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

68 thoughts

    1. Yayyyyyyy *does happy dance* I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! Ugh that’s annoying hopefully you can read it soon (they can be slow at times but ultimately worth it) and let me know what you think of any of the ones you read!!😁😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow I love the title It only happens in the movies, may I ask what it’s about?
    Dr Seuss was also the epitome of my childhood but my favorite was Green Eggs and Ham😂 His books are all so wonderful and I think there a great introduction for children to start to love reading.
    Can we talk about how amazing Cath is!!😂 Every-time you mention Fangirl I just always feel a need to comment about that because it’s truly one of my favorites😍 I think I relate to Cath on a personal level because especially when I was younger( and still sometimes now), I would let my sister be the talker for both of us in a sense and just be quite and observant like Cath. Haha, sorry about my fangirl rant.
    I really love all these bookish tag and omg thank you for nominating me, this is my first book related tag!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooof it’s an interesting book maybe I can email you about it?? (I replied to your email by the way😉). He was a legend and Green Eggs and Ham is a classic – nice one 😂 I know I completely agree and I just love the playfulness and whimsy of them.
      ALWAYS!!! Cath is a gem!!!! Haha no worries at all because it is one of my favourites too and I love it so much😍 I know right me too I was like that with my friends and I get her love of wanting to create and live in a fictional world she feels happy in. Never apologise for a fangirl rant they are always welcome!!! I know these book tags are so great and you’re so welcome I figured since we connected on a shared love of some books you would enjoy this tag so I hope you have fun with it😊😊❤️

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  2. What a fun tag!! These questions would be a lot of fun to answer 🙂 I enjoyed reading your responses!
    Yeah, Pride and Prejudice is for me one of those books so many recommend, then I go to read it… and I can’t find what everyone was so excited about. *shrug*
    I love many of Lori Wick’s books! Especially the yellow rose trilogy ❤ I'm also loving the Vietnam series by Chris Lynch right now – I'm on book 3 of four!
    Growing up I loved every book by Nick Butterworth – the stories are very cozy and the illustrations are adorable!
    My favorite genres are contemporary, humor, historical fiction, romance, a mix of all four of those (haha!), and I have so many favorite book characters I couldn't choose just one! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much I also loved it!! I know right?! So many people say to read it but I just can never get into it …. oooh those sound interesting ❤️ Haha that’s a great mix of genres and I know those favourite questions are always so hard because I love so many!! ❤️ If you want, I tag you too for this😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! And yeah, it’s too bad. You should definitely check them out! 😄 and thank you! I’ll add it to my list of tags to do 💜

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  3. Hey! First of….it was really amazing to read your responses and turns out we have similar opinions! Secondly, do you mind if I do this tag on my blog? I’d love to try this out😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Absolutely loved this !! And most of the books tagged are my absolute favourites !!! I too would put in the same responses !!! Except I am a DIEHARD fan of throne of glass 😋 I simply love Cath and Luna as well!!! Plus I’m a swiftie as well so this post was life!!! Thanks so much for such a brilliant post!!! And great to meet a person with such similar opinions!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow yayyy so glad you liked it!!! No ways that is sooo cool!! (So we are mostly twins 😁) awwww darn it I’m not 😂😂 Cath and Luna are amazing so glad you agree 🥺 hehe thank you so so much your comments have made my day!!! And yes I always love meeting new friends who have similar opinions 😊❤️

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  5. Once again sorry for the late response to this. And also thanks for the tag, I look forward to doing it.

    I hope that university is going well for you. I somehow haven’t actually read any Holly Bourne books yet 🙈 although I do have a copy of Pretending which I should seriously get read. And I want to read so many of her other books too.
    Have you seen that Marissa Meyer has a Rumplestiltskin retelling due out this year? I’ve only read The Lunar Chronicles by her so far but I’ve heard wonderful things about her other books and can’t believe they I haven’t read Heartless yet in particular. Did you have a favourite book in TLC series?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww no worries I get that things get crazy! It is but it is very weird doing it online from home this term. Really?? They are all so so good!! Oooh no I havent heard but now I’m definitely going to keep my eye out for it thanks! Hmm I loved them all but I think Winter was my favourite because it was at a point where all the characters had been developing and we got to see them at the climax of the series. I would also recommend her Renegades series it is such a great read!

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      1. Thanks. Yeah it must be strange. Yes I found it on Goodreads although that’s literally all I know about it as the information was pretty limited when I looked. I enjoyed them all too, I should really try and re-read them sometime. I think my favourite was Cress as I adored her character. Or maybe Scarlet. It’s on my TBR 😁 I’ll definitely have to try and get to it soon.

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