Dealing with different personalities and conflict resolution

Hey everyone! I was really struggling with an idea for what to write about this week. I think my brain is turning to mush from the constant staring at endless academic articles. It wasn’t until I met up with a few friends that I suddenly remembered a topic I’ve been wanting to talk about for some time – different personalities and conflict resolution.

Blogmas Day Twenty Two – Guest post by Olivia Lucie Blake

Christmas is soooooo close now it’s quite terrifying, but I’ve loved the build-up to Christmas this year and all the fun of doing Blogmas this year. And… in a few more days I wont be popping up in your inboxes everyday with another post so you’ll get a nice long break from me too to enjoy the rest of December. Anywho, today I’m bringing you the last guest post for Blogmas from a really great friend of mine and a true blogging inspiration. Today’s post is from Olivia and she has a phenomenal lifestyle blog, and my favourite topics are specifically around self-care and mental health so I approached her about doing a post for blogmas on one of those topics. So, without getting too off topic, here is Olivia’s post!

Therabox unboxing #3

my university term is now halfway over which means one thing … formative season!! This is an icky time of the term when lecturers have decided they’ve gone easy on us for long enough, and the deadlines for assessments start to appear in all their terrifying glory. Thankfully formatives are not for marks, but they are usually linked to assessments that do count so if you don’t do them properly you can really end up shooting yourself in the foot! Hence, stress levels are on the rise during this term, as my skin is very elegantly pointing out at the moment (thank you skin it is much appreciated we all know how fun pimples and breakouts are), and so I thought this was the perfect time to open another Therabox. This one is the ‘Dream’ box, because I’m dreaming it could just be Christmas holidays already hehe.

I am enough!

I know there are many things that can make us feel like we’re not enough. When you go through a bad breakup, when something really negative happens in your life, when people are mean or don’t understand you, or simply when it feels like you are always drawing the short end of the stick. I’ve been there. I’ve had those thoughts, and I’m going to be honest … they suck. They make everything dull and miserable, and it makes you constantly question yourself and your self-worth, and it often takes something pretty significant to realise that you are enough. But that evil thought is persistent, and I believe that we all sometimes need a little support to honestly believe that, so today I’m going through a few ways that you can practice positive thinking and make sure that evil thought stays as far away from you as possible.

Blogmas Day Fifteen – How to practice Self-Care this Christmas

It’s so important to practice self-care, especially during Christmas time. Amidst all the merriment, you must take the time to nurture yourself mentally and physically. We can’t all be rays of sunshine all the time and Christmas does take a lot of effort and energy. So today, I’m going to share a couple of ways that you can practice self-care this Christmas, so you can look after yourself and keep the crazy at bay, as well as a special surprise at the end so be sure to keep reading!

Things to do at home during isolation/quarantine – how to keep the boredom at bay

Hey everyone! No matter where you are in the world, indoors seem to be where it’s at. By that, I mean COVID-19 is getting to the stage where it’s safer for everyone to stay at home just to reduce the risk of spread and infection. South Africa is having a 21-day lockdown starting tomorrow, so I too will be spending a significant amount of time in the not-too-distant-future inside the four walls of our house. With that being said, being stuck at home can be incredibly boring. I mean after a few days, things can start to get pretty dull and without being able to escape to the entertainment of the outside world, that means one needs to start getting pretty creative to keep boredom at bay. That’s what I’m going to try and do today – help give a few suggestions for how you can pass the hours at home and not succumb to the dullness of being ‘trapped’ at home. There are quite a few suggestions here, that can be quite adaptable depending on what you enjoy, so I hope you find at least one that can help you with your time at home during this difficult time.

An update on my new year goals – how are you doing with your goals??

Hello everyone and happy beginning of March! Goodness me how time flies. I can’t believe that it is already March and it feels like the year has only just begun, that January was last week. That being said, all of the unshakeable motivation that comes with the start of the new year has most certainly faded because life is undoubtedly back to reality. The lofty days of the Christmas holiday are long gone, and I think most of us at this point just want to make it through the day without having a nervous breakdown. So, now is the perfect time to check-in and see how everyone’s new year goals are going.