Dealing with different personalities and conflict resolution

Hey everyone! I was really struggling with an idea for what to write about this week. I think my brain is turning to mush from the constant staring at endless academic articles. It wasn’t until I met up with a few friends that I suddenly remembered a topic I’ve been wanting to talk about for some time – different personalities and conflict resolution.

How to Deal with Sibling Conflict

I’m not sure how many of you reading have siblings, but I’ll take a guess that quite a few of you do. I have siblings myself – two brothers. To make that sibling dynamic a little more complicated, I am the middle child so have an older (by ten years) and younger (by 4 years) brother. Needless to say, because of the age gap and our varying personalities, we don’t always get along so well. Siblings don’t always get along for several different reasons, and this can be when siblings are still young and living at home or when everyone is grown up and living their own lives. Needless to say, though, no one really wants to have a conflict with someone they are related to or someone they live with because it can make things quite tense and unpleasant. So today I thought I’d look at ways to deal with sibling conflict, being a sibling myself and after seeing a mix of both my friends dealing with their siblings and parents dealing with their own squabbling siblings. So, from whichever angle you are coming from in terms of sibling conflict, I hope you enjoy today’s blog post!