Hellooo there everyone!! I hope my title got your attention. 

Today is just going to be a short post (let’s see if I actually stick to that because sometimes I try to write short posts and they end up being just as long, if not longer, than my normal blog posts), because I have a very important announcement to make …. 

Photo by fotografierende on

So a few posts ago, I announced that I was thinking about doing Blogmas on Tall Blonde Tales this year, and now that I’ve had some time to umm and ahh about it (read spent countless nights not sleeping, thinking about the different possibilities and if I’m going to be able to pull this off), I’ve decided I’m going to go for it. 

This year, for Blogmas, I am going to try and do a Christmas themed blog post every day from December 1st up until Christmas. Yes – that’s right. That means 25 days worth of blog posts – one for every day just like an advent calendar. I am super excited, and very nervous about it (I have never even thought of attempting something this huge, and posting a blog post every day for more than three weeks …) but I guess setting ourselves these challenges are a good thing right? I need some reassurance that I haven’t gone completely crazy. 

So, why am I telling you all this? Well, the launch of this Blogmas is set to happen in exactly three weeks (can you believe that we are that close to December already???) and 25 blog posts is a lot so I have another announcement. Drum roll please …. 

I would love love love to have guest posts, YOUR POSTS, here on Tall Blonde Tales for the Blogmas. I’ve seen lots of bloggers doing this, I’ve participated in a few and I’ve always thought it would be something really fun to do, and this is the perfect opportunity!

Anyone who’s interested can send in a guest post, no matter what your blogging niche or interests are. Just like they always say during the holiday season, the more the merrier! Just make sure you please read the rules/guidelines below first, and please include your name and blog name when you send in the guest post. 

  • The topic is … yup you guessed it! Christmas!! Anything to do with Christmas, please send it in no matter what your blog is about. It can be food, outfits, tips around the holiday season, sustainability, lists of your favourite Christmas things, anything. So long as Christmas is the main theme okay? 
  • There’s no word limit, but try not to make it toooo long! 
  • No rules when it comes to font size, or style, just make sure the format is nice and easy to read (if you want to include images in the blog, please make sure you send the blog post as you want it published).
  • Depending on the number of entries, the best ones will be released but 25 days mean a lot of blog posts so I might be able to include all of them or conflate some of them together if there are tons of entries. 
  • When you’re submitting, please send your post through to my email: (any format is fine, you can just write it in the email but if you’re adding pictures to it, maybe a word doc or other format is easier?)
  • Last day for submission is Saturday the 28th of November, so please send in your entries before then (more than one post per blogger is also totally okay)

So there you have it! I hope that lots of you want to participate and send in entries! I can’t wait to read all of your wonderful entries and I’m so excited for Blogmas, especially with all of your help from the incredible posts. I know each and every one of you are wonderful, talented bloggers and writers so please don’t feel shy! 

Alright, that brings me to the end of my (short) blog post today! I’m really buzzing in anticipation for this, so I can’t wait to get cracking on my own blog posts and to see all of your amazing entries. By the way, if any of you have any ideas for posts you want to see me write for Blogmas, please let me know in the comments section!! I really would love to hear your suggestions xx

I hope you guys enjoy this and have fun writing, and I hope I will be publishing lots of your posts for Blogmas 2020 on Tall Blonde Tales! 

Thank youuuuuu

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx 

P.S. I am so so sorry that I have been so quite with networking. It’s one of my favourite parts of blogging, reading and commenting on all of your amazing work, but sadly things have just been to crazy right now that I haven’t had the time to squeeze it in. I am definitely trying to figure out a way to include it in my schedule though, but until then, if you have nominated me for anything that I may have missed, I am so sorry but can you please resend me the post? I will also try to catch up on as much of your posts as possible, once my next assignment is in. Thanks again everyone and have a fantastic day!! 

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

74 thoughts

  1. I really really look forward to this, and reading more blogs from you in December!

    Also I apologise as well for being missing, I have been busy as well, so I understand that you have been quiet with networking lately! I think I sent you an email regarding a collab post ages ago, so let me know if you have received it?

    In the meanwhile, stay safe and look after yourself !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much I hope you’ll be sending something in??

      Ahh okay yeah I completely understand thank you and I don’t think so?? Would you mind resending it? So sorry about that!

      Thanks so much and same to you xx


  2. Awesome!!! Can’t wait to see your posts!! I’m gonna be sending in my posts in a couple of days, just so you know! I’d love to participate in this! Thanks for such a gracious invitation, Tia!
    I GUESS I can forgive you…ugh. 😉 Haha! jk xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How exciting!! Yay! I’m also attempting Blogmas this year but doing every alternate day so one post every two days from the 1st-24th December 🥰
    Thank you for putting out the guest post idea too! All the best with planning & writing your Blogmas – can’t wait to read them 😁🎉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oooh wow that sounds so cool!! I can’t wait to read it and your idea definitely sounds more sane than mine 😂 Of course if you have the time please submit!!🥰 thanks so much I really appreciate that!!😊💖


  4. Hello Blondey, this all sounds amazing, cant wait to read same, good luck to you with thi huge amount of work and I know you will out a lot of effort into same, same as you do with everything you attempt,
    Proud of you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. That’s a wonderful idea! 25 posts sounds huge but I’m sure it’s going to be great! I don’t really know how to write in that lifestyle-y manner😂 but I’d love to send something in!! It’s totally fine that you’re not able to accommodate networking in your schedule right now. Life gets hectic every now and then. Don’t worry about it!😂💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww thank you I know I’m quite nervous about the pressure now 😂 but hopefully it all turns out alright !! Nooo it doesn’t have to be lifestyle it can be in any style – whatever style YOU like!! 😊 aww yayyy I hope you do I can’t wait to read it!! Yeahhh definitely need to try figure that part out 😂😂 thanks so much for the constant support 💖✨

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes definitely! I had quite a lot of work these past days, so I was wondering whether I could send in my guest post this week? Also idk what’s wrong with WordPress but I never received this comment of yours until I came back to check it myself on ur post!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh I completely get the work thing sometimes I think I’m on top of it then suddenly I’m drowning 😂 Of course the more the merrier!! Awww no that’s so strange but I get it the same thing has happened to me and it is so bizarre and I always feel so bad for missing comments


      3. Exactly! It feels like there’s loads of time but then the deadline starts haunting! Ikr! I feel really bad when I miss comments too!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yeah! I think so! 😂😂 I can’t wait to read your Blogmas posts!! (I got the idea of doing Blogmas from you! Thank you!)

        Liked by 1 person

      5. 😂 I saw soo many bloggers doing Blogmas but I wasn’t quite sure about doing it. Then I saw you and a couple of my friends also doing it so I thought, why not?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sooooo ready! 😊 well that’s a lie, only 10 posts have been scheduled so far BUT I have written them all. SEO is the monster I’m trying to tackle at the moment. Are you ready?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yayyy!!! Haha well done!! I haven’t even written them all 😭 I’m almost there though. Oooh SEO is still something I have no clue about I seriously need to learn about it …. I have 2/3 of my posts written and a few edited/scheduled but hoping to get ahead next week 😬


  6. Oh no!! I just stumbled across your blog today and…I’m late for the Blogmas participation! 😔

    Oh well, looking forward to other Blogger’s posts!!

    PS- Awesome blog…qnd pretty please do more such participation contests!!! I don’t want to miss out again!!

    Liked by 1 person

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