What have I done during lockdown?

I don’t know who’s been counting, but we are now entering what seems to be the one-hundredth week of lockdown. So please tell me I’m the only one getting tired of it? I mean sure a lot of us loved the first part when it felt more like a holiday – sleeping in, relaxing and just watching tv all day, not really focused on being productive. Now though, the prison sentence nature of it is starting to make me feel claustrophobic. However, being stuck at home all day and not being allowed to do all sorts of activities that could be considered ‘time-fillers’ means that there has been an opportunity to try out some new things and be more productive. That’s why I wanted to do a bit of a reflective piece to look back on everything that I’ve done during all of this extended time at home. From my social media streams, I see that a lot of people have been baking (I have been too), but I’ve also been doing a lot else. You see, I tried to use all of the extra time as best as possible to get things done that I haven’t been able to. So, here’s what I’ve been up to so far during quarantine.