A Beginner’s Guide to New York City

New York City. The Big Apple. The fast-paced, most intimidating city ever? Hi everyone! This week I am writing my posts from the Big Apple itself as I am here to check out a few colleges for next year, but in between campus visits and information sessions, I am exploring and enjoying this incredible city. Now I’ve been privileged enough to have travelled to New York City a few times, and anyone who has been to NYC knows that there are some tips and tricks to making your time more fun and the experience less intimidating. Sometimes I still get nervous that I’ll be trampled by sprinting busy people on the sidewalk or get lost in a lesser-known area. But, the city doesn’t have to be intimidating if you have the right mindset and a few tricks and tips up your sleeve. With a few adjustments to how you spend your time, you’ll be tackling the city like a local with no fear and all the confidence in the world. So today, I’m going to be sharing some tips for how to manage a trip to the Big Apple. Here is my beginner’s guide to New York City. I hope you all enjoy it and if you have comments or tips that I missed out, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section.

Tips For All Fellow Beginner-Gardeners Out There!

Hey everyone! So for those of you who might be interested, I have decided to start a gardening project with my boyfriend. You see, I’ve always wanted to grow plants and have a flourishing garden of some sorts that I can show off to people and use for my cooking. Unfortunately, I’ve never quite gotten passed wanting to do it. I always stopped just short of starting it, but now I have decided to stop avoiding it and ignite my green thumb. What I’m realising now that I’ve started this project is how many choices and how much work goes into gardening, especially when you are an amateur. So, after discovering these tips after getting my own gardening project going, I’d like to share some of those tips with all of you. If any of you have ever wanted to start a gardening project but just haven’t done so (maybe you didn’t have time, the idea kind of dulled or things just didn’t work out the way you wanted), then I hope this blog inspires you and reignites that desire to sprout your green thumb (pun intended). So, for all of the fellow beginner-gardeners out there, here are some tips I have learned that I hope help you out and get your gardens going.