Life update and Flat Tour!!

Helloooo all my lovely readers!!

How are you all doing today?

Today, because my September eco-friendly challenge is still brewing (be on the look out for it next week because it may be coming with a really fun collab too), I thought I’d give you all a little life update and share a few fun things going on at the moment.

Sooooo, after I finished my hotel quarantine, I went on a little holiday with my best friend from uni. I’m busy working on a few posts about our trip that I can share once things at uni get a lot busier so if you’re interested in reading about our little adventures (hint – there’s lots of Harry Potter) please stay on the lookout for those upcoming posts.

Now though, I’m back in Durham and have just moved into my brand new flat!! At Durham, most first year students live in their college accommodation (res, or halls – whatever you call it where you live in big buildings with lots of other students in small bedrooms and shared kitchens or bathrooms). Once they get into second and third year though, students tend to leave their college accommodation and find their own place somewhere in the city, either in a house or flat with friends or just by themselves. I’ve managed to find myself a really nice flat that is a five minute walk from my department … a much better commute than my 45-minute walk I had to do last year.

Because I’ve had such fun unpacking all my belongings and getting settled into my flat, plus I’ve never really done any sort of room tour or anything on the blog, I thought I’d give you all a little tour of my new abode…

Here is my lounge area – it’s got a dining room space with a really nice table, the lounge area with a couch and space for a tv (I’m still saving up for the tv) and my little bookshop of happiness. I admit, it’s more of a funkopop display shelf than bookshelf but give me time and I promise it will be heaving with books.

My kitchen is one of my favourite parts of the flat. It’s nice and big, has great appliances and space for me to go nuts baking, or cooking, or just to store loads of things. I’ve already cooked a few things in there – now I just need to whip up some cinnamon rolls and chocolate cookies and it’ll smell like home.

Technically my flat is a two-bedroom flat – I’m hoping my boyfriend will be moving in here with me during Christmas – but that means that I have a spare bedroom to make use of. Apart from it being an actual spare room, I thought I’d turn it into a study area, so I don’t have to work in my bedroom. The best part about a study area is always all the stationery, so even though you can’t see it, I promise you those drawers are filled with stationery.

Lastly, here is my bedroom. Normally I get to know people a bit better before I show them my bedroom but you’re my readers and I love you all. Yes, the twenty-year-old has teddy bears on her bed, but I love stuffed animals and these ones are special. As you can see, I’m following the trend with my pinboard filled with photos and surrounded by fairy lights. It may be cliched, but I don’t think there’s anything prettier than displaying your memories with lots of twinkly lights. I’m actually a bit light on the photos and fairy lights at the moment, but over the year I’ll definitely be increasing my collection. My bedroom has a bathroom with a shower, and there is another bathroom in the flat that has a bath, but those rooms aren’t particularly special hence why I didn’t include them.

And ta da! Now you can all see where I’m living for my second year at university. What do you all think??

I’m really excited to be living on my own this year, albeit a bit nervous for doing all those adulty things like sorting utility bills and generally just living alone. Thankfully I’ve got some time to get used to it before the stress of uni actually starts. Between now and the start of uni, I’m leading campus tours around Durham for potential students so not only is it a great way for me to get reacquainted with the city, but my word is it great free gym!! There are so many hills, and with all the walking I’m going to be as fit as a marathon athlete when the term starts.

Well… maybe not a marathon athlete but definitely a hell of a lot fitter than I am right now.

That brings me to the end of my blogpost for today. I hope you all enjoyed seeing my new home, and my little life update. What do you all think of the place? Any fun décor ideas for me to consider? Also, I hope you’re all having a great September so far. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite entries in the Summer Competition – I’m going to announce the winners within the next week so be sure to vote if you haven’t already by clicking here!

Lots of Love

Blondey on a Mission xxx

Author: blondeyonamission

Hey everyone! I'm a lifestyle and travel blogger from South Africa and about to relocate to the UK for university. My blog is all about stories, tips and advice with topics ranging from university, organisation, friends, books, travel and more. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy xxx

39 thoughts

      1. Omg the Big Bang Theory, yessss! I haven’t watched the whole series because once I start marathons, I can’t stop. So I watch clips and occasionally watch it when the show is playing on TV. It was a great show!

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